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Montgomery County Sheriff's Office Logo and Link to Home page Sheriff Jeffery T. Smith in uniform Undersheriff Carl J. Rust in uniform

Welcome to the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office (NY) Online Incident Reporting system

This system allows you to submit a report about an incident that has occurred within a Montgomery County (NY) township.

*Please confirm the following to find out if filing a report online is right for you:

  • This is NOT an emergency
  • This incident is NOT happening right now or did NOT just happen
  • The incident occurred within Montgomery County (NY) and not within the City of Amsterdam. If an incident occured within the City of Amsterdam, please report the incident directly at 518-842-1100
  • You are the victim or have or have control / responsibility over the property
  • There is NO known suspect(s)
  • You are at least 18 years of age or a minor in need of assistance

Contact Information

*First Name:
Middle Initial:
*Last Name:
Date of Birth:
*Email Address:
*Phone Number (Required to verify report):
Type of Phone:
Alternate Phone Number:
Type of Phone:
*Address (your physical address):

Incident Information

*Previous Report - To your knowledge, has this incident previously been reported to the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office or any other agency?Yes No
If Yes, enter case # or other agency:
*Township Incident Occured In:
Note: for incidents occuring in the City of Amsterdam, please report the incident directly at 518-842-1100. For incidents occuring outside of Montgomery County, please report the incident to the appropriate County or Municipality.
Address incident occured (if different from your physical address):
*Incident Date and Time:
*Incident Type:
If Other, describe further:
*Describe the incident in detail:
Indicate if you have any of the following: I have photos to submit
I have documents to submit
Note: If you have items to submit as part of your case, a Deputy will contact you.


I have reviewed the report I am about to submit

I understand that filing a false police report is a crime
