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Welcome to Montgomery County - County Clerk's Office


In New York State, the County Clerk is an elected official who is responsible for various administrative, legal, and financial duties at the county level. Some of the main duties of the County Clerk include:

  • Maintaining and updating public records: The County Clerk is responsible to maintaining and updating various public records, including property deeds, mortgages, court records, oaths of office, and business documents.
  • Managing and disbursing funds: The County Clerk is responsible for managing and disbursing a wide range of funds, including fines, fees, and surcharges collected for the court system.
  • Providing public services: The County Clerk also provides a range of public services, including notary public services and passport application processing assistance.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide prompt, courteous, and efficient service to the people of Montgomery County, New York. We strive to be knowledgeable, helpful, and responsive to the needs of our constituents, while maintaining the highest standards of integrity, accuracy, and confidentiality. In partnership with the community, we are committed to promoting transparency, accountability, and accessibility in our operations, as we serve as stewards of public records and resources.

Brittany Kolbe
County Clerk
Clerk of Supreme & County Courts
Email County Clerk

Tina Ehrenreich
Deputy County Clerk
Email Deputy County Clerk

County Clerk Brittany Kolbe

County Clerk Brittany Kolbe


Please be advised that beginning Monday, February 3rd, 2025, the Montgomery County Clerk’s office will no longer require any map filings to be submitted on mylar. The County Clerk’s office will continue to accept mylar maps, however it is not a requirement. We will accept maps electronically through our e-recording vendors, on paper, and on mylar. This is in accordance with NY REAL PROP LAW 334;2-a:

“Notwithstanding any other provisions in this article, a county clerk may adopt a system to receive and retain maps utilizing an electro-mechanical, electronic or any other method they deem suitable for receiving and retaining maps.”

This policy change is being made as an extension of our records digitization efforts, as mylar does not produce the highest quality image, and to ease the financial burden for our constituents and stakeholders.

If you have any questions, please contact the County Clerk’s Office at (518) 853-8111.


Beginning January 1, 2024, the Montgomery County Clerk's office will no longer accept personal checks for real estate transactions.

Accepted forms of payment will be as follows:

  • Cash
  • Money Order
  • Certified Funds
  • Credit/Debit

Beginning October 21, 2020, Montgomery County will be live with E-Filing for court filings. This is MANDATORY, except in cases of opt-out or pro-se litigants. For more information on e-filing, click here*.

Beginning January 1, 2023, there will be subscription fees for online searching.
The fees are as follows:
1 Day Subscription: $15 + .65 per page
30 Day Subscription: $55 + .65 per page

All electronically filed records only are now searchable online. Please visit*

E-ZPass now available at the Clerk’s office for $25

Effective June 1, 2019, and in accordance with New York Civil Rules and Procedure Law Section 8019(f) we will be increasing our copy fees from $0.25 per page to $0.65 per page with a minimum fee of $1.30 for uncertified copies.

Effective February 7, 2019, the County Clerk’s office will offer e-Recording, saving you a trip to our office. We offer three registered electronic recording facilitators:

Location & Hours

Montgomery County Clerk's Office
Montgomery County Office Building
PO Box 1500 - 64 Broadway
Fonda, NY 12068-1500

Phone: 518-853-8111
Fax: 518-853-8116

Clerk’s Office Hours:
Monday through Friday (except on holidays)
8:30am – 4pm

Recording Hours:
8:30am – 3:30pm

Summer Hours (July & August):
Monday through Friday (except on holidays)
9am – 4pm

Recording Hours:
9am – 3:30pm

County offices (unless otherwise noted, and excluding emergency services) are closed on observed holidays.
