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The Montgomery County Clerk’s Office receives filings for Certificate of Doing Business Under an Assumed Name, also referred to as a DBA or Doing Business As. These forms may be filled out and filed by those who are, or plan to, conduct a commercial business in Montgomery County. This form is for a sole-proprietorship (one individual). You may file a Business Certificate for Partners. This form is to be used if more than one partner will be conducting business. Prior to filling out this form, it is recommended that you consider searching our public records to ensure that the name you have chosen is not currently in use.


In addition to the standard DBA form, we also have two additional forms that may be filled out and filed with the Montgomery County Clerk’s Office at a future date, if applicable. A DBA Amendment is to be filed if at any point changes to important details on the original form occur (e.g. add/remove business partners, change business name or address). A Certificate of Discontinuance is important to file should the business ever cease to exist. Please note that reference to the original DBA form (instrument # and date filed) is required for each of these instances.

Additional Information

Some banks require a certified copy of your DBA to open an account in the name of your business. IN order for your certified copy to remain a true and legal copy of the original, it must include a raised seal and have the original certification page stapled to the document. Do not separate these pages.


Certificate of Doing Business Under an Assumed Name
Business Certificate for Partners
Certificate of Discontinuance of Business
No Fee
DBA Amendment
Certified Copy

Accepted forms of payment include cash, check, money order, and debit/credit card1.
1Additional convenience fee will be added to the total.
Please make checks/money orders payable to Montgomery County Clerk.


When filing for an LLC, (LLC’s are filed with the NYS Division of Corporations, not the County Clerk’s Office) the NYS Department of State requires the LLC be published in at least one daily, and one weekly, newspaper designated by the County Clerk’s Office:

Weekly Publication
The Adirondack Express

Daily Publication
The Recorder