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Press Release

Publish Date: 7/29/2009

Free Discount Drug Cards Effective August 1, 2009

Montgomery County Free Discount Drug Cards Effective August 1, 2009

Montgomery County Personnel Committee Chairman, Supervisor, Thomas Quackenbush and the Personnel Officer, Richard E. Baia are announcing the launch of a new Montgomery County discount card program through "MATRIX" which will replace the old Montgomery County discount card previously being used through Caremark (CVS). This new discount card will be effective August 1, 2009 and it will help residents realize significant savings off the retail price of prescription drugs, and is accepted in over 56,000 network pharmacies nationwide.

The free cards, which offer up to 75% off the retail price of commonly prescribed drugs and an average savings of 55% on Generic drugs, may be used by all county residents regardless of their age, income, or existing health coverage. Most network pharmacies in the county will honor the cards, as well as more than 56,000 participating network pharmacies across the United States.

The Montgomery County prescription discount card offers significant savings for our uninsured and underinsured residents, all at no cost to county taxpayers. Even those fortunate to have prescription coverage can use the card to save money on drugs that are not covered by their health plan - and residents do not have to be Medicare beneficiaries to be eligible for this program.

Presenting the discount card at a participating network pharmacy is easy. Cardholders do not have to worry about an enrollment form, membership fee, or frequency-of-use restrictions.


Cards will be available at the Town, Village, City, and County Clerk's Offices, or download from the website. Everyone will need their own card. County residents can visit the Montgomery County website for the link to the free prescription medication discount card through MATRIX, or call toll-free 1-877-877-5711 x709 for assistance with the program.

We hope that you take advantage of this great discount prescription savings program.