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Press Release

Publish Date: 6/2/2009

Comprehensive Plan Public Meeting


"We need public input!" says Doug Greene, Senior Planner for the Montgomery County Department of Economic Development and Planning. "This first ever Countywide Comprehensive Plan is a great opportunity to hear what people are thinking about big issues that affect everyone who lives, works or visits." The third in a series of public input meetings is going to be held on Thursday, June 18th from 6 pm to 8 pm at the Fonda-Fultonville High School Auditorium in Fonda.

Randy Siver, Assistant Planner said, "The comments from the first two meeting are posted on our web site, and we especially want to encourage folks of all age groups to come and share what they think is good and not so good about the county." Siver added, "Our office is using our website to post meeting summaries, meeting schedules and most importantly, make our Comprehensive Plan survey available to anyone who wants to comment on what they feel is important in shaping our County's future."

County Comprehensive Plans have been done in 30 of New York State's 56 counties and the County Planners think the plan can provide important examples of progressive planning methods and also stimulate a discussion of municipal and county collaboration. Greene said, based on the first 2 meetings, there's a high level of interest in consolidation and more efficient local government actions. "We want everyone to know though that the County Comprehensive Plan will not dictate how local municipalities govern. We do, however, want to encourage an open discussion of all the issues that could make our county a great place to visit, grow up, live and work and hopefully be the kind of place our children stay or come back to live after college."

Office staff prepared a resolution officially forming a Complete Count Committee and appointing its 21 members. The resolution went before the Economic Development and Planning Committee Tuesday, April 7, which gave its positive approval to move the resolution on to the full Board of Supervisor's meeting Tuesday, April 28. Mr. Siver said, "We're excited about the Committee's decision and feel confident the resolution will pass when it comes before the full Board... this proves that Montgomery County fully grasps the importance of achieving a complete and accurate census count and how census data impacts our communities."

As the plan develops it is anticipated that a committee will be established and that specific interest groups will also be contacted to gather specific plan ideas to enhance their activities.

Call the Planning Office at 518-853-8155 or 518-853-8202 for more information or look on their website.

About Montgomery County Business Development Center

The Montgomery County Business Development Center is a comprehensive resource for business and economic development and planning services throughout Montgomery County. Available services include business development and technical assistance; company and facility siting; workforce and labor development; and government coordination, including permit processes and Empire Zone incentives. In addition, the Center provides County Planning services and grant writing. The Montgomery County Business Development Center is comprised of the Montgomery County Industrial Development Agency and the Montgomery County Department of Economic Development of Planning.