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Press Release

Publish Date: 1/4/2022

County Launches COVID-19 Home Test Reporting Portal

FONDA— Montgomery County Public Health Director Sara Boerenko announced today the launch of an online portal for reporting positive at-home COVID-19 test results and a streamlined location for residents to receive current isolation and quarantine protocols.

The portal can be accessed by visiting the Montgomery County website and clicking ‘Reporting of COVID Home Tests Here’ which is underlined red text on the top of the homepage. The self-test must be authorized by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). A list of authorized self-tests can be found by searching the term 'OTC' on the FDA website.

Public Health’s COVID-19 at-home testing reporting portal can be accessed via the Montgomery County website.

Public Health’s COVID-19 at-home testing reporting portal can be accessed via the Montgomery County website.

“We are following suit with other counties that have had great success using a similar portal to collect COVID-19 data and share frequently changing CDC recommendations and protocols,” Boerenko said.

The portal is designed to make it simple for Montgomery County residents to report positive self-test results to the health department and receive information regarding their next steps dependent on their particular circumstance.

The form should not be used to report results of a test obtained or performed at or through a doctor’s office, clinic, hospital, laboratory, pharmacy, school, or any testing site or program operated by MCPH.

“I want to thank our staff for pulling this portal together so quickly, this will be a valuable tool for county residents as we continue to move forward,” Montgomery County Executive Matthew L. Ossenfort said.

Press Release PDF