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Those people currently eligible consider registering online*. 
We have been advised that your local pharmacy will contact you once the pharmacy’s supply of the vaccine has arrived to schedule an appointment.

This is a New York State Form and by registering using this online form, you will be in a system that Montgomery County Department of Health does not participate in or has any control over


Official Place for the COVID-19 Vaccine Information in Montgomery County, NY

The Montgomery County Department of Health is committed to providing the COVID-19 Vaccine to every person who resides and/or works in our county. We are receiving a very limited small amount of vaccine from New York State and we ask that you understand the following:

  • As we receive it, we have been providing the vaccine to those category eligible people as directed by New York State.
  • We have no control over how many doses of the vaccine we are given by New York State each week. We have not been provided the amounts we have requested.
  • We have no control over how someone must register for a vaccine clinic. Registering through the link is required by New York State. Everyone who wants the vaccine must register for an appointment (slot).
  • We are ready and able to provide the vaccine to large numbers of people when it is given to us by New York State.
  • The Federal government and New York State have also contracted with pharmacies to provide the vaccine to people 65+. We have not been included in this process and have limited information about it.
    • We understand your concern and ask for your continued patience. Currently, this is a slow process, however, we will continue to provide the vaccine to every person who wants it no matter how long it takes. The New York State Governor has said it may take 14-weeks to vaccinate eligible people in the current categories: 1A, 1B, and 65+.
    • Due to the limited supply we receive from New York State, those who live or work in Montgomery County will take precedence in our vaccine distribution.

Montgomery County COVID-19 Vaccine Waitlist Hotline 518-853-8247

The line will be open Monday – Friday 9 a.m.  to 4 p.m. and a staff member will take your information.

Due to the very limited small supply of vaccine provided by the state, it may take a substantial amount of time (weeks) before we can contact you to arrange the vaccination. If you have an opportunity to get the vaccine, or a pharmacy contacts you to provide the vaccine to you, we recommend you DO IT. Do not feel that you must wait for the county Department of Health to contact you.

Please check link below daily for the latest updates for available clinics throughout the state:

Available Clinic Registration*

Current Eligible Categories: 1A, 1B, 65+
Check what category you are in*

You may also contact the New York State COVID-19 Vaccine Hotline or call 1-833-697-4829 to register for the vaccine in the Capital District area. You must understand that by calling the state hotline or going to the website and registering to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, you may have to travel somewhere outside of Montgomery County to receive it.