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RFP Construct New Parking Lot


Fulmont Community Action Agency, Inc.
Request for Proposal
Construct New Parking Lot
208 Truax Road
Amsterdam NY 12010 


It is the intent of this bid proposal to solicit bids for constructing a new parking lot at our 208 Truax Road, Amsterdam NY 12010 location. 


Work performed under this bid proposal must include all materials, labor, machinery and permits needed to construct a parking lot.  

Qualifications of Bidder:

When requested by the Executive Director of Fulmont Community Action Agency, Inc., the bidder must present evidence of experience, ability, and financial standing. 

Special Conditions:

The bidder is informed that all work described under this proposal must be completed no later than June 30, 2022, unless an agreed extension is granted by Fulmont Community Action Agency, Inc. Additionally, all worked described must be done solely by the contractor. The contractor will not subcontract for any of the services outlined in the worked described. 

Mandatory Site Visit: The bidder is required to set up a date and time with Fulmont Community Action Agency, Inc. before the bid deadline; where they can visit the location of the work to be performed. This will provide them with an opportunity to take their own measurements and be familiar with the space and requested scope of work. 

Davis Bacon Act:

The bidder is informed that they are required to follow the Federal Davis Bacon Act, which requires bidders to pay prevailing wage rate and fringe benefits established by New York State Department of Labor at the time the work is completed. The bidder will be required to submit a certified payroll indicating prevailing wage has been paid before any payment will be released by Fulmont Community Action Agency, Inc.


The bidder will be required to submit general liability insurance and worker’s compensation insurance with limits not less than $1,000,00.00. All insurance certificates submitted must name Fulmont Community Action Agency, Inc. as the additional insured.

Work to be performed:

  • Construct new parking lot 32` x 170`
  • Remove top soil, approximately 12 inches’ deep
  • Install fabric cloth
  • Install 8 inches of rubble compacted
  • Install 2 ½ inch base blacktop
  • Install 1 ½ inches top blacktop

All request for proposal must be submitted to Fulmont Community Action Agency, Inc., Attention:  Denis Wilson, Executive Director, Montgomery County Annex Building, 20 Park Street Fonda, Room 213 no later than May 18, 2022 by 10:00am.

Release Date: 4/19/2022

Expires: 5/18/2022 10:00:00 AM