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RFP 06-17 for Engineering Services Public Safety Garage Facility


9/6/2017 - Addendum #2:

Proposal Submission Address

9/6/2017 - Addendum #1:

Prevailing Wage Statement

Original RFP:

Please take notice that Montgomery County is requesting proposals for RFP #06-17 Engineering Services for Public Safety Garage Facility.
Proposals should be secured in a sealed envelope with the notation “Engineering Services for Public Safety Garage Facility”. One original, five complete copies and a PDF formatted copy are required to be delivered to the county.

Proposals will be accepted at the Montgomery County Purchasing Department, c/o Scott Surento, Purchasing Agent, 20 Park Street, Room 104, P.O. Box 1500, Fonda, NY 12068 until September 8, 2017 at 4:00 pm.

All proposers must comply with the provisions of the General Municipal Law and all other applicable laws.  The County reserves the right to reject any or all proposals.

The RFP document is available through the link provided:



All Bidders who intend to submit bids from documents acquired here MUST provide their contact information. Click Here.

Proposers are advised not to rely on next day mail services.  Proposals must be received in the office of the County Purchasing Agent before the above specified date and time. Faxes and electronic transmissions are not accepted.

The County reserves the right to request an interview of proposer(s) prior to award.  All questions of sufficiency of the proposal shall be decided upon by the evaluation committee herein.

The contact person for obtaining the above documentation and to answer questions is:
Scott Surento
Purchasing Agent
Montgomery County
20 Park Street, P.O. Box 1500
Fonda, NY  12068

Release Date: 8/28/2017

Expires: 9/8/2017 4:00:00 PM