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RFP #02-07 Bus Transportation Service within Montgomery County, New York


Notice is hereby given that the County of Montgomery is requesting proposals for RFP #02-07 Bus Transportation Service within Montgomery County, New York. The transportation services provided must make meaningful and convenient stops at places of employment along the Route 5 and 5S corridor five days a week for the purpose of serving major employment centers. Connections with other transportation modes, such as other local providers, intercity bus operators, Amtrak, etc., are strongly encouraged. All proposals must be received by the Purchasing Department at the County Annex Building, 20 Park Street, Fonda, NY 12068 no later than 4:00pm Friday, June 1, 2007. RFP documents may be obtained from the Purchasing Department at the address listed above or by calling 518-853-3351. The County reserves the right to reject any or all proposals.

Dated: June 1, 2007
Scott Surento,
Purchasing Agent

Release Date: 6/1/2007

Expires: 6/1/2007 4:00:00 PM