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Military and Federal Voting

Military Voting:

Persons serving in the military may register and vote from their designated 'home of record', regardless of where they may be stationed or for how long.

If that 'home of record' is in New York, you may register and vote in local, state and federal elections by completing a Military or Federal Voter Registration Form (PDF)* and sending it to the board of elections in your 'home of record' county.

Your application will register you and also serve as your absentee ballot application, and will be valid for 2 federal elections.

Applications are also available from your Voting Assistance Officer on base, or you can visit the Military and Overseas Federal Voting Website* for forms and information.

Always be sure to share any change of address information with your county board of Elections.

Questions? Call the State Board of Elections at 518-473-5086 or the Federal Voter Assistance Program at 1-800-438-8683, or contact your Voting Assistance Officer or US Embassy office.

Once you are registered, you may also request your absentee ballot and have it delivered to you by email by establishing an email account*.

Federal Voting:

United States citizens living outside of the United States are entitled to vote from their last United States address. If that address was in New York, your completed application should be sent to the board of elections in the county in which you lived, prior to moving overseas.

Your application will register you and also serve as your absentee ballot application.

You may vote for federal offices:

  • President/Vice President
  • United States Senate
  • Congressional representatives

In years in which presidential conventions are held, you may also be eligible to vote for those convention delegates.

Once registered, you will receive ballots by mail for each of these elections in which you are eligible vote. You may also establish an email account* to receive your absentee ballot by email.

Your application will be valid for 2 federal elections.

Always be sure to share any change of address information with your county board of elections.

If you move back to the US, contact the Board of Elections to have your registration reflect that change.

Visit the Military and Overseas Federal Voting Website* for forms and more information.

Questions? Call the State Board of Elections at 518-473-5086 or the Federal Voter Assistance Program at 1-800-438-8683, or your United States Embassy office.