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RFP 01-19 for Engineering and Architectural Services Montgomery County Shared Municipal Facility


ADDENDUM NO. 1 - 4/22/2019:

Addendum No 1 (PDF)

ADDENDUM NO. 2 - 4/26/2019:

Addendum No 2 (PDF)

Original RFP:


Montgomery County, through it Purchasing Department, is seeking proposals from well-qualified engineering firms to provide building design and construction administration services for the development of a new government office facility to be shared by the County’s Department of Public Works (DPW) and the Montgomery County Business Development Center (MCBDC). Uses include storage and maintenance facilities for DPW fleet and equipment, and general office space for both departments. This project will be referred to as the “shared facility”. The services will be full-design assuming a single-bid document package with a General Contractor procured through a public bidding process.

All proposers must comply with the provisions of the General Municipal Law and all other applicable laws. Montgomery County reserves the right to award all or part of the project and to reject any or all proposals.

One (1) original and five (5) hard copies of the proposal must be submitted by 4pm Wednesday, May 8, 2019. Additionally, proposers must submit one copy in PDF format by thumb drive or disc. Proposers are advised not to rely on next day mail services. Proposals must be received in the office of the County Purchasing Agent before the above specified date and time. Faxes and electronic transmissions are not accepted.

The RFP document is available through the link provided.

All Bidders who intend to submit bids from documents acquired here MUST provide their contact information (Click Here)

Shared Facility RFP (PDF)

Release Date: 4/8/2019

Expires: 5/8/2019 4:00:00 PM