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Welcome to the Montgomery County Data Processing Department

The Informational Technology(IT)/Data Processing department provides services to County departments and many municipalities.

The Data Processing Department provides helpdesk and technical support for networking, PC issues, programming, planning and design. The Department has software development and programming personnel which are responsible for several in-house software systems, including Payroll, Civil Service, Financial Accounting, Tax Bill processing, Resolution and Agenda Management, and much more.

Data Processing is also responsible for maintaining purchased software from outside vendors for Dispatch, Road Patrol, E911, Real Property Tax, and Kronos time card system. We also maintain various systems used by Public Health, Civil Service and Probation.

Our primary functions include maintaining the County IBM Iseries system, administering several networks, 21 servers, and over 400 computers and associated devices including network printers, thin-clients and scanning stations. Additionally, the department provides services to our requesting customers for tax collection, payroll processing, and general financial systems.

Data Processing maintains the County web and email systems, which include website design, coding, updates, and maintenance as well as web service monitoring and Internet access and intrusion detection.

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