DATED: 1983
BE IT ENACTED by the Montgomery County Board of Supervisors as follows:
There shall be a County Administrator who shall be directly responsible to the Board of Supervisors and perform the functions of an (overall) chief administrative officer on behalf of the Board of Supervisors which shall nonetheless retain final administrative authority. Such office shall be in the unclassified services of the cJV1l service.
The County Administrator shall be appointed by the Board of Supervisors for a four year term. At the time of appointment the County Administrator shall possess at least six years of education or training or experience in any combination in the fields of public or business administration and be able to demonstrate a working knowledge of the organization and structure of County government The County Administrator shall also be recommended by the Qualifications Committee established by this Local Law.
Section 3. POWERS AND DUTIES. There shall be no curtailment, diminution or transfer of any powers of any elected official to the County Administrator. The County Administrator shall be responsible for the overall administration of the County government In addition, the County Administrator shall have the following powers and duties:
(a) Shall serve as the County Budget Officer and be responsible for the preparation and administration of the budget of the County.
(b) Shall appoint such personnel within his or her office as may be authorized by the Board of Supervisors.
(c) Shall (work in conjunction with) advise department heads and officers as well as to coordinate the activities of (the various County departments and offices) County Government to most effectively implement the directives and policies of the Board of Supervisors.
(d) (Shall coordinate the administration of all County departments and County offices so as to effectively carry out the policies and directives of the Board of-Supervisors). Shall undertake administrative and management studies and submit to the Board of Supervisors reports and recommendations regarding governmental operations as he or she may deem appropriate of the Board of Supervisors may request.
(e) (Shall determine what officers of the County shall perform particular duties which are not established by statues of local laws to equal work-loads and promote efficiency in the operation of the County Government.) Shall make recommendations for appointments by the Board of Supervisors for all heads of unites of County Government.
(f) Shall execute all directives of the Board of Supervisors and cause enforcement of the Board as well as local laws enacted in the County.
(g) Shall serve as an advisor to the Board of Supervisors and develop policy and procedural recommendations for consideration of the Board which will promote economy and efficiency in the operation of the County government
(h) Shall maintain liaison and represent the Board in contacts with political subdivisions. State and Federal officials and agencies.
(i) (Shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as may now or hereafter be conferred upon him by a resolution or resolutions of the Board of Supervisors.)
Shall supervise and direct the Purchasing Agent, Data Processing Director, Planner, Planner Trainee, and Sealer of Weights and Measures.
(j) Shall have the authority to examine and approve or disapprove all purchase orders and other documents by which the County incurs financial obligations, having ascertained before approval that moneys have been duly appropriated or provided for and allotted to meet such obligations and will be available when such obligations shall become due and payable, and record such obligations of the respective appropriations for which such obligations are to be paid.
(k) Shall prescribe the form and procedure of all financial reports, receipts, vouchers, bills or claims to be filed by all administrative agencies, departments, offices or officials, institutions and other agencies of the County.
(l) Shall approve the placement of all County insurance which shall be deemed necessary with the business and property of the County within appropriations set by the Board of Supervisors.
(m) Shall conduct all collective negotiations and labor management committees with organized employee representatives.
(n) Shall be responsible for the preparation of Grant proposals and applications.
(o) Shall advise the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors on all matters pertaining to the Authorization of Hiring or Promotion of Budgeted Positions, Grant Applications or Proposals, Authorizations to Attend Conferences, Conventions and Schools.
(p) Shall authorize the transfer of funds within a Departmental Budget. All such authorized transfers shall be reported to the Board of Supervisors within thirty days after the transfer is made.
(q) Shall be the chief accounting authority of the County and prescribe such methods of accounting procedures for the County and its administrative agencies as he or she may deem necessary.
(s) Shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as may now or hereafter by conferred upon him by a resolution or resolutions of the Board of Supervisors.
Section 4. QUALIFICATIONS COMMITTEE. The Board of Supervisors shall, in selecting a County Administrator first appoint a special advisory committee on qualifications of eleven members consisting of four supervisor members from each of the two major political parties and three members selected from the electorate at large with not more than six members in all from any major political party. This committee shall interview and assess the qualifications of all applicants for the position and shall make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors with regard to the qualifications of all applicants.
Section 5. NO DIVESTITURE OF POWERS OR DUTIES OF BOARD. Nothing contained in this Local Law shall operate or be construed to divest the Board of Supervisors of the County of Montgomery of any of its functions, powers and duties.
Section 6. SEP ARABILITY OF PROVISIONS. If any of the provisions of this Local Law or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, the remainder of this Local Law and the application thereof to either persons and circumstances shall not be affected thereby. If any term of office created hereunder is deemed invalid by the length of such term of this law shall be construed to provide for the maximum term permitted by law for such office.
Section 7. WHEN TO TAKE EFFECT. This Local Law shall take effect when all applicable statutory requirements for its passage and adoption have been complied with fully and it has been filed in the Offices of the Secretary of State.
Matter in Brackets () is old law to be omitted. Matter Underscored is new material to be added.