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Addiction Services

Medical Treatment for Addiction

Medical treatments for addiction are provided by a practitioner of addiction medicine at St. Mary's Hospital Outpatient Addiction Clinic. Methadone medication is available for heroin addiction and suboxone and other medications are available for alcohol and other opiate based addictions. Persons interested in such services should contact:
St. Mary's Hospital Outpatient Addiction Clinic at 76 Guy Park Ave., Amsterdam, NY 12010
Phone: 518.843.4410.

Counseling - Addictions

Outpatient counseling services for people experiencing an addiction is provided by:
St. Mary's Hospital 76 Guy Park Avenue., Amsterdam, NY 12010
Phone: 518.843.4410

A variety of individual and group counseling services are provided for individuals seeking recovery from alcohol and/or substance addiction.

Rehabilitation - Inpatient

Inpatient rehabilitation for addiction is provided by:
St. Mary's Hospital 427 Guy Park, Avenue, Amsterdam, NY 12010
Phone: 518.841.7325

Individuals seeking such assistance should contact the hospital or go to the Emergency Room at St. Mary's Hospital.

Prevention Services

Addiction prevention services are provided by Catholic Charities of Fulton and Montgomery Counties at 518.762.8313 and by the HFM Prevention Council at 518.736.8188. Both not-for-profit organizations provide a variety of addiction prevention programs to students throughout the school districts of Montgomery County. In addition Catholic Charities provides addiction counseling services to children in the school districts. Information can also be obtained from your school district.

Residential for Women

Residential services for women recovering from addiction is provided by the Mental Health Association for Fulton and Montgomery County. Women with a diagnosis of an addiction who are willing and able to participate in outpatient recovery services may reside in the residence for part of their recovery. Women with pre-school aged children can reside in the residence with their children. People seeking this service should contact the Mental Health Association at 518.842.5131.

Drug Court/MHCourt

Individuals charged with a non-violent misdemeanor and demonstrating a history of addiction may apply through their attorney to participate in "Drug Court" in lieu of incarceration. Individuals facing such charges should discuss this option with their attorney.