Montgomery County Seal!

DATED: 1996

Local Law No. 7 of 1996 - Superseding County Law 214 to Authorize Abstract Publication of Local Laws

Local Law No. 7
SECTION 1. Purpose: County Law 214 requires the Clerk of the Board to publish
a true copy of the full text of each local law in the official newspapers.
This Local Law is intended to supersede that requirement by authorizing
publication of an abstract, rather than the full text, of each local law.

SECTION 2. Except as otherwise provided by law, the Clerk of the Board shall
cause an abstract of each local law to be published in the County's
official newspapers at least once a week for two successive weeks, the
first pub1icati n of which shall be had within ten days after such 1oca1
law has become effective; provided, however, that any local law which is
subject to a permissive referendum shall be published in such official
newspaper at least once a week for two successive weeks, the first
publication of which shall be had within ten days after such local law is
adopted. Such abstract shall concisely state the purpose and effect of
each local law.

SECTION 3. The Clerk of the Board shall make a true copy of each local law
available for public inspection and/or copying during the office's regular
business hours for one hundred fifty days after the effective date of such
1oca1 1aw.

SECTION 4. The Local Law shall become effective as provided in Municipal Home
Rule Law 27.

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