DATED: 1988
Section 1. INTENT:
It is the purpose of this local law to regulate parking and to establish
fire lanes on County property in the areas immediately surrounding certain
buildings for the protection, safety and general welfare of all persons
working in and using said buildings.
Parking and/or standing is hereby prohibited in the following areas,
which areas are hereby designated as fire lanes:
A. Montgomery County Office Building and Court House, Broadway, Fonda,
New York:
1. Entrance Drive
(a) Along the east curb line starting from N.Y.S. Route 30A,
Northerly 170± feet to the southerly curb line of the
east parking lot.
(b) Along the west curb line, starting from N.Y.S. Route 30A,
Northerly 265± feet to the southerly curb line of the southerly curb line of the north parking lot.
2. Exit Drive
(a) Along the easterly curb line, starting from the southerly
curb line of the north parking lot, southerly for 180±
feet to the westerly curb line of the circular drive.
(b) Along the westerly curb line, starting from the most
Southerly line of the west parking lot. Southerly 110±
feet to N.Y.S. Route 30A.
3. Circular Drive
(a) Along the north and west sides, starting from the westerly
curb line of the entrance drive to the easterly side of
the exit drive.
(b) Along the south and east sides, starting from the westerly
curb line of the entrance drive to N.Y.S. Route 30A.
(a) Along the northerly most curb line of the -north parking
lot, from a point produced by the projection of the easterly
curb line of the entrance drive, to its intersection
with the aforementioned northerly curb line, and proceeding
westerly along the northerly curb line for a distance
of 100± feet.
B. Montgomery County Annex Building, Park Street, Fonda, New York.
1. Any area within 10 feet of the Annex Building.
2. Both sides of the west driveway from Park Street, south 163
feet to the West parking lot, except the designated handicapped
parking area.
3. Along the easterly driveway of the Annex Building, beginning
at Park Street along the westerly edge of the driveway, southerly
and westerly 420± feet to the westerly parking lot, thence
beginning at Park Street southerly along the easterly edge of
the driveway 160± feet to the beginning of the loop, thence be- .
ginning again 260± feet from Park Street along the easterly
and southerly side of the driveway, 160± feet to the westerly
parking lot.
C. Montgomery County Jail and Old Court House, between Railroad Street
and Park Street, Fonda, New York.
1. Beginning at the southerly end of the easterly curb 1ine of
Park Street. passing between the Montgomery County Jail on the
east and the Montgomery County Old Courthouse on the west. and
traveling northerly along said curb line 86± feet to the southerly
edge of the existing easterly sidewalk, excepting Police
Cars only. .
2. Beginning -at the southerly edge of the easterly sidewalk,
northerly for S7± feet.
3. Beginning at a point S7± feet distant northerly from the southerly
edge of the existing sidewalk, and continuing northerly
for SS± feet, excepting only those vehicles authorized by Montgomery
County Sheriff.
4. Beginning at point 112± feet distant northerly from the southerly
edge of the existing sidewalk, and continuing northerly
for 6S± feet to the southerly curb line of Railroad Street.
5. Beginning at the southeasterly corner of the building known as
the Boiler Room, and proceeding northerly along the easterly
side of the Boiler Room and the building known as the Old
Courthouse, to the southerly curb line of Railroad Street.
6. Between the building known as the Boiler Room and the Old
7. Beginning at the southeasterly corner of the Old Courthouse,
and proceeding westerly along the southerly side of the Old
Courthouse, and continuing westerly and southerly to the northerly
line of the Department of Public Works parking and along
the westerly side of the grass island between the designated
parking lots.
Section 3. PENALTIES:
Violations of this Local Law shall constitute an offense. and any
person guilty of such offense shall be punished by a fine not exceeding One
Hundred ($100.00) dollars or by imprisonment' not exceeding thirty days, or by
both such fine and imprisonment.
Upon the adoption of this Local Law, Local Law No. 8 of the Year 1986
of the Montgomery County Board of Supervisors is hereby repealed and rescinded.
If any section of this Local Law shall be held unconstitutional, invalid
or ineffective, in whole or in part, such determination shall not be deemed
to affect, impair or invalidate the remainder thereof.
This local law shall take effect immediately' upon filing with the
Secretary of State.