DATED: 1992
LOCAL LAW No. 2 of the year 1992
A local law establishing fees for certain services provided by the Montgomery County Department of Probation
Be it enacted by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Montgomery as follows:
Section 1.
(a) The County of Montgomery hereby is authorized and empowered to collect fees for certain services provided by the Montgomery County Department of Probation.
(b) Fees, to be collected by the Montgomery County Department of Probation, shall be charged for custody investigations, visitation investigations and adoption investigations.
(c) The fees to be charged are as follows:
Service                                       Fee
Custody/Visitation Investigations Initial home study (Each party is responsible for fee)
Income (per party)
$0 - $15,000                           $100.00
$15,000 - $30,000                 $150.00
Over $30,000                         $200.00
Subsequent orders (within five years) (Petitioner is responsible for fee}
Petitioner's Income
$ 0 - $15,000                              $50.00
$15,000 - $30,000                     $75.00
Over - $30,000                          $100.00
Adoption Investigations (per family}      $200.00
(d} Such fees shall be based upon the person's ability to pay, and fees may be waived, in whole or in part, at the discretion of the Director of Probation, pursuant to established policies, procedure, rules and regulations, and in accordance with State law.
(e) No fees shall be charged in any action in which the Montgomery County Department of Social Services is named either as Petitioner or as Respondent.
Section 2.
If any clause, sentence or paragraph of this local law shall be adjudged in any Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid such adjudication shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder of this local law which shall as to such remainder remain in effect.
Section 3.
This local law shall take effect immediately upon adoption and filing in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Municipal Home Rule Law of the State of New York.