DATED: 1985
Local Law NO. 3
SECTION 1: The Montgomery County Board of Supervisors hereby elects
to provide all its eligible employees with a retirement incentive program
authorized by Chapter 665, Laws of 1984.
SECTION 2: The commencement date of the retirement incentive program
shall be October 31, 1985.
SECTION 3: The open period, during which eligible employees may retire
and receive the additional retirement benefit, shall be 90 days in length.
SECTION 4: The actuarial present value of the additional retirement
benefits payable pursuant to the provisions of this local law shall be
funded over a five year period. The amount of the annual payment in each
of the five years shall be determined by the Actuary of the New York State
Employees' Retirement System, and it shall be paid by .the County Treasurer
for each employee who receives the retirement benefits payable under this
local law.
SECTION 5: This act shall take effect immediately.